We have a return 60 day return policy, with an optional one-question we hope you will answer. The one question will be reason for return. Perhaps your information will help us improve our products or our service.
- If the product is not useful, then please return in like-new condition within 60 days for a full refund minus your return postage costs (i.e. there will be a full return of the initial payment but the cost of returning the item will not be reimbursed). This does NOT apply to oral products, which can only be returned if the product is defective.
- If at any time (not just the 60 days) a product is found defective because of poor construction or poor-quality materials, contact us to arrange for product repair or return.
As with all fabric items, even with proper care and handling, products will wear. Inspect products on a regular basis to avoid injury and to ensure that products can be replaced, if necessary, in a timely manner. Do not use products for anything other than the intended purpose or modify products in any way.